Saturday, March 21, 2015

Ms. Luxemberg

Only the working class, through its own activity, can make the word flesh. The workers can achieve control over production, and ultimately real power, by means of tenacious struggle with capital, hand-to-hand, in every shop, with direct mass pressure, with strikes and with the creation of its own permanent representative organs.

In this passage we see that Ms. Luxemberg is trying to explain that the working body is what holds all the power, she states that worker can achieve control over production, and ultimately real power. This essentially will cut out the middle man, the highest revolutionary authorities. Ms. Luxemberg is trying to make us understand that society should be ran by the people not just a selected few. Ms. Luxerberg is against having leaders that are permanent because it causes imbalance in power. This in turn would just lead them to another financial ruin. 

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